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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
IASP Developed-Developing Countries Collaborative Research Grants
International Association for the Study of Pain
1510 H St. NW, Ste. 600
Washington, DC 20005-1020
Phone Number (202)856-7400
Level of Study Professional Development
Award Type Grant
Purpose To recognize and promote international, interdisciplinary collaborations in pain research, specifically between laboratories in a developing country and in a developed country.
Focus Medical research.
Qualifications Investigators in each country must have been members of IASP for the past year. The principal investigator in charge of the overall project should be at a professional level of independence. At least one participating institute and investigator must be from a developing country; The collaborators must be located in at least 2 different countries.
Criteria Evaluations are based on qualifications of the investigators; scientific merit; and evidence of interdisciplinary collaboration.
Funds $15,000
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards Varies.
To Apply All applications must be submitted using the online application system; This should be in Word or PDF and a maximum of four pages including references using 11 pt. font with half-inch [1.27 cm] margins; A budget describing use of the funds; Short-version curriculum vitae for each of the principal investigators.
Deadline April 29.
Contact if you have any questions, or call -8457
For more information
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